As I pointed out previously,
Ubuntu Releases have all been alliterative animal phrases. While the initial two releases were "Warty Warthog," and "Hoary Hedgehog," the adjectives in these phrases have become somewhat more flattering since, featuring: Breezy, Dapper, Edgy, Feisty, and (currently) Gutsy. With this trend in mind, it is fun to imagine some of the submissions that may have been received and rejected by the Ubuntu team. I submit the following alphabetically-aligned alliterative adjective/animal amalgamations that are unlikely to ever be associated with any project or product:
- Acrid Amoeba
- Bald Beaver
- Cantankerous Cub
- Devilish Dromedary
- Evil Elk
- Fearsome Frog
- Geriatric Grunion
- Heinous Hippo
- Illiterate Ibis
- Jacobite Joey
- Killer Kite
- Lame Llama
- Mongoloid Mongoose
- Noisome Nit
- Onerous Orangutan
- Precarious Porpoise
- Queer Quokka
- Rabid Rat
- Sterile Serpent
- Twisted Trout
- Urbane Ungulate
- Voluptuous Vixen
- Warlike Walrus
- Xenophobic "X-animal"
- Yucky Yak
- Zero-sum Zebrafish